Monday, April 19, 2010

This Girl Has ALOT on Her Mind

So hello there again. Right now I have so many thoughts going on in my head. Actually I've had them in there since yesterday. Maybe I'll cover everything here.

The rest of my humble week was ok I suppose. I completely messed up on my day to see the sun rise which I was very disappointed in myself. When I woke up it was already light outside. Bummer? I think so. So another day in the upcoming weeks I'll try again, BUT plan ahead! This week I'm focusing on self control. Today, I promised myself I would not over eat! Its a ridculous thing to do, I know. But still it IS self control & its taking care of your body right? :) I forgot to mention it but each week I have a Bible verse to go along with the quality I'm focusing on that week. I memorize it, & say it each day! Last week it was, "But a servant of the Lord must not quarrel, but be gentle to all. Able to teach, patient, in humility, correcting those who are in opposition."-2 Timothy 2:24-25a. This week its, "To knowledge self control, to self control perseverance, to perseverance godliness." 2 Peter 1:6. But yeah, I'm kind of making up each day as I go along because I didn't think ahead. I know, I'm usually a person who plans ahead & knows whats going on in two weeks. Well thats hasn't happened lately.

School does that to you. You have plans to go to church then BAM! You remember you have to catch up on homework. :/ I'm starting to dread going to school full time next semester. I mean honestly, I'm SO ready for school to be over with. Like I'm ready to go face the world! But I know I still have alot of steps to take. Ugh. I know the right (or smart as people would say) thing to do is go to college. I just don't have the motivation at the moment. What a great thing to say, huh? I'm a few weeks away from graduating high school & I'm content where I am. Maybe its because I don't want to leave home yet. Whether its I want to stay to help out at CAST or I want to minister with my youth group more, I don't know. I'm still so confused. I got my classes for NGU in the fall. Its a good starting schedule, my last class is 3-5 on Thursday, so I'll be home at 7. Which is good because I didn't want to wait until Friday to come home. :) At least not for my first semester away. But unless God says otherwise, I think I still plan on going to North Greenville in the fall. I mean everything is filled out & ready for me to come down there. Maybe God will do a work in me in the summer or when I'm down there later this year & I'll see its His plan for me. I'm still praying & keeping my eyes open!

Today after class I talked to this guy named David. Now I've known him for awhile. Hes in my math class so we see each other somewhat often, & he led one of my best friends to the Lord! How crazy awesome is that?! :) But anyway I was talking to him today & he said that he ran four miles before class. Now I usually don't get jealous, but when he told me that, I was envious haha. What a weird thing to be jealous of, right? I mean I can't even run a mile, maybe walk one but definitely not run! I think its time I start working out again. I was doing really well at the beginning of the semester with that & having my devotion. But I kinda cut out working out lately because I want to sleep in later, haha. I think David might have inspired me today to get back in it!

By the way, we have a show coming up at CAST soon. Its the first show I've stage managed & I'm the principal in it. Its called Bang Bang, You're Dead. If you wanted directions or anything like that let me know! Heres some links to things about the play & inspired the author of the play.!/notes/mollie-elisabeth-jones/bang-bang-youre-dead-an-extension-of-emilees-note/383409496847 &!/note.php?note_id=386849537154 (The people who wrote these notes are in the play too!) This show will be AMAZING! Trust me, don't miss out on this one! It has such a important message to it, & the cast has all worked SO hard. It really has paid off.

Anyway, I need to get off of here. If I'm going to start working out again tomorrow, I need to be up at eight! I'm dreading & looking forward to it at the same time. Am I weird? I think so.


At April 26, 2010 at 8:13 PM , Blogger Bethany said...

Hey hope! hang in there for the last little bit of school:) I know sometimes it feels like you don't want to leave the place that you are comfortable in! God is moving you on to a new part of your life and wants to use you in an awesome way at the NGU campus. Yeah, it's kind of scary. But look at it as a new start - a new place to spread Jesus' love and a new group of people to minister too. Love you very much!


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