Tuesday, June 1, 2010

God Answers Prayers QUICK!

I meant to write this like a month ago, but I never did...sooooo here it is! :)

So at the beginning of this semester I remember talking to God about guys. I said, "God, I'm seriously doubting whether they are guys out there that are obsessed with You & serving You." Its been hard for me lately just to have a Godly guy to look up to around my age. Because of course I look up to my dad & my pastors, but I hadn't found a guy near my age that was completely sold out for Christ.

Well during my weeks at the college, I became friends with this guy named David who was in my math class. I don't remember when it happened but sometime in the semester we became good friends. Almost every day after class we would go outside & just talk about how awesome God is & what Hes done & is continuing to do in our life. I was amazed, David is just a year older than me & he wants God to be his one & only passion! But then God wasn't done answering my prayers yet! :)

After our last math class, me & David went outside as we always do to talk. Then one of his friends, who I just met a few days earlier, came up to us & join in our conversation. As it turns out, this guy named Wesley loved Jesus too! And he shared things that God had done for him in the short time we all talked together. AND THEN one of the guys who is in my youth group actually stopped by & talked to us for awhile. I don't know if I ever really paid attention to his relationship with God, but this semester I definitely was more aware. He really does love God, & wants to serve Him. Just like Wesley & David.

So there I was, surrouded by three men who love God. I remember walking away being like, "Woah. Thank you God for this afternoon & for opening my eyes to things I thought were impossible!" God answered my prayers. He gave three awesome men that afternoon to look at & believe again that they ARE men out there who want God at the center of their life. I'm so thankful for them & for God showing me that Godly men do exist & one day I'll be able to marry one. :)


At June 21, 2010 at 8:36 PM , Blogger Bethany said...

I used to wonder that sometimes:) And it's true, a lot of times you look at the guys around you who profess to be following Jesus and you think, "What are you doing? Don't you know that people are looking up to you?" I met a guy in one of my classes a year or so ago who was a year older than me and was totally sold out for Jesus. I'd never met a guy like him before and in my heart I really could picture myself marrying someone like him. But God said no(long story...). So I was really bummed out and couldn't ever imagine finding another guy who was as in love with Jesus as he was. There can't be two of them, right? haha... well to cut a long story short, God never gives you a step down. He's got a guy out there for you who is probably thinking the same thing you are - Where are all the girls who are on fire for Jesus? Wait for him:) Sometimes it feels lonely, but hang in there. Jesus hasn't forgotten about you and no matter how hopeless it seems sometimes, he will give you the strength to go on:) That's what I've been learning from God lately. Long comment... sorry.


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