Saturday, March 13, 2010


Wow. There really aren't that many guys out there who are on fire for the Lord. I got the chance to talk to my mentor a little tonight & I talked to her about things I've been facing lately & she mentioned that they weren't alot of passionate godly guys out there. Its so sad, I know alot of wonderful women who want to serve the Lord with everything in them, but I know so very few guys who put the Lord first. I know, at the most, a handful? Now I'm not bashing on guys, I love my brothers in Christ. But I do find it strange that its easier to find strong Christian girls than guys.

I started reading "Answering the Guy Questions" by Leslie Ludy last night. Ok, if you don't know about this woman, you should! She & her husband have this amazing love story of how God brought them together, its told in their book, "When God Writes Your Love Story". But anyway, the book I'm reading by her now is all about guys right now in the modern world. She explains in her first chapter how there are two types of men: Metro Males & Animalistic Manhood. Metro Males is explained as men being more feminie than strong. This verison is wrong in Leslie's eyes (& mine) because when guys are like this, they lose one of the most important qualities God has given them. To protect! It is the man's job to be the head of the relationship, thats the way God intended it to be at least. Animalistic manhood is the exact opposite, the men take their job to highly as the one in charge by making the woman their servant. Putting on the front that they're full of honor & nobility just to get you into bed.

Well, which one would you choose? Neither right? But the beautiful thing about our Lord is that when He is the one & only passion in a guy's heart, another type of guy emerges. :) This one is called: Warrior poet Manhood. A warrior poet is a man who has chosen to deny himself, take up his cross, and follow Christ. He seeks not to draw attention to himself, but to draw eyes to Jesus.

Leslie goes on in the book to explain a little bit of what drew her to her husband Eric. (This is my favorite part so far in the book!) She said that after having conversations with Eric, she wouldn't be thinking about him, she would think about God. Leslie went home & pour opened her Bible, wanting to have the same passion Eric had for the Lord! Eric didn't ignore his sisters in Christ, but he also didn't lead them on either. He respected his future wife already. He wasn't pursuing the opposite sex, he was pursuing God. He sought out loners & outcasts, people others usually overlook.

What a wonderful man to have as a husband! I've also figured out while reading this book that I also have a job. And you my sisters in Christ do as well to your brothers. We need to set our standards high. Start encouraging them more than bringing them down. I read in a book somewhere, I think the author was Joshua Harris, that a man told him after he got married to a good friend of Joshua's that this man thank him for being so honorable to his wife. Joshua treated this girl as if already she was married even when she was single! He didn't lead her on, but he encouraged her daily in her walk with God. Joshua was mindful of his future wife, but also of his good lady friends & their future husbands. And I think we as girls should be the same. Not only do I strongly believe that we need to live as if God is right by our side watching our every move (because He is!), but also we need to live as if our future husband was right by our side as well.

I need to get to bed. But I couldn't until I rambled on a little bit. :)

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Monday, March 1, 2010

It will happen one day.

One day I'll be able to say "I love you" to a guy.
One day I'll have a guy who strives to love me like Christ does.
One day I'll have a guy who makes me have butterflies each time I see him.
One day I'll have someone who knows what I've been through in the past & understands why I am the way I am.
One day I'll have a guy who wants to kick the guys' butt who have hurt me in the past.
One day I'll have a guy who loves me & doesn't care how crazy I get. Cause he'll be as crazy as I am.
One day I'll have a guy who loves & treasures me because I've saved so much for him.
One day I'll be able to team up with a guy to serve the Lord.
One day I'll meet a guy I can grow old with.
One day I'll have a guy who is chivalrous & fights for me.
One day I'll have a guy who has to go through the Lord & my parents before he can have my heart.
One day God will send that guy into my life & everything I've been working for, waiting for, dreaming about will start.