Thursday, April 29, 2010

My Great Day Went Down in a Second.

Have you ever been so mad/frustated that you wanted to cry? Thats how I feel right now.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Women Can...

Women can splash the wolrd with the love of Christ...through kindness, caring, touching, meeting needs, and telling of their love for Christ. -Esther Burroughs

Monday, April 19, 2010

This Girl Has ALOT on Her Mind

So hello there again. Right now I have so many thoughts going on in my head. Actually I've had them in there since yesterday. Maybe I'll cover everything here.

The rest of my humble week was ok I suppose. I completely messed up on my day to see the sun rise which I was very disappointed in myself. When I woke up it was already light outside. Bummer? I think so. So another day in the upcoming weeks I'll try again, BUT plan ahead! This week I'm focusing on self control. Today, I promised myself I would not over eat! Its a ridculous thing to do, I know. But still it IS self control & its taking care of your body right? :) I forgot to mention it but each week I have a Bible verse to go along with the quality I'm focusing on that week. I memorize it, & say it each day! Last week it was, "But a servant of the Lord must not quarrel, but be gentle to all. Able to teach, patient, in humility, correcting those who are in opposition."-2 Timothy 2:24-25a. This week its, "To knowledge self control, to self control perseverance, to perseverance godliness." 2 Peter 1:6. But yeah, I'm kind of making up each day as I go along because I didn't think ahead. I know, I'm usually a person who plans ahead & knows whats going on in two weeks. Well thats hasn't happened lately.

School does that to you. You have plans to go to church then BAM! You remember you have to catch up on homework. :/ I'm starting to dread going to school full time next semester. I mean honestly, I'm SO ready for school to be over with. Like I'm ready to go face the world! But I know I still have alot of steps to take. Ugh. I know the right (or smart as people would say) thing to do is go to college. I just don't have the motivation at the moment. What a great thing to say, huh? I'm a few weeks away from graduating high school & I'm content where I am. Maybe its because I don't want to leave home yet. Whether its I want to stay to help out at CAST or I want to minister with my youth group more, I don't know. I'm still so confused. I got my classes for NGU in the fall. Its a good starting schedule, my last class is 3-5 on Thursday, so I'll be home at 7. Which is good because I didn't want to wait until Friday to come home. :) At least not for my first semester away. But unless God says otherwise, I think I still plan on going to North Greenville in the fall. I mean everything is filled out & ready for me to come down there. Maybe God will do a work in me in the summer or when I'm down there later this year & I'll see its His plan for me. I'm still praying & keeping my eyes open!

Today after class I talked to this guy named David. Now I've known him for awhile. Hes in my math class so we see each other somewhat often, & he led one of my best friends to the Lord! How crazy awesome is that?! :) But anyway I was talking to him today & he said that he ran four miles before class. Now I usually don't get jealous, but when he told me that, I was envious haha. What a weird thing to be jealous of, right? I mean I can't even run a mile, maybe walk one but definitely not run! I think its time I start working out again. I was doing really well at the beginning of the semester with that & having my devotion. But I kinda cut out working out lately because I want to sleep in later, haha. I think David might have inspired me today to get back in it!

By the way, we have a show coming up at CAST soon. Its the first show I've stage managed & I'm the principal in it. Its called Bang Bang, You're Dead. If you wanted directions or anything like that let me know! Heres some links to things about the play & inspired the author of the play.!/notes/mollie-elisabeth-jones/bang-bang-youre-dead-an-extension-of-emilees-note/383409496847 &!/note.php?note_id=386849537154 (The people who wrote these notes are in the play too!) This show will be AMAZING! Trust me, don't miss out on this one! It has such a important message to it, & the cast has all worked SO hard. It really has paid off.

Anyway, I need to get off of here. If I'm going to start working out again tomorrow, I need to be up at eight! I'm dreading & looking forward to it at the same time. Am I weird? I think so.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

A Little Update.

Hello there! So just dropped in to give a little update of my humility week so far. :) So first off, I was super excited yesterday morning to start my day barefoot! It felt so weird going to my math class barefoot. I definitely felt the stares of everyone I passed. But I wasn't ashamed. Because didn't God say we're supposed to be set apart for a reason? Because its His love that changes us. :) But anyway, I had alot of people ask why I was barefoot. So of course I told them the whole story why I was doing it and how this week I was trying to become more humble. I thought it was such a God thing that the first week, my first day of this challenge, I picked being barefoot. Something that gets people attention for them to ask me, & for me to share with them what Gods been doing in my life. I'm not saying, "Oh my gosh, I'm so cool! I did good picking that out for my first day!" I'm not trying to say that at all. That was a God thing. And I really hope I made some people I talked to really think. Because the whole point of me doing all of this is not for my glory, but for His. For me to become a better wife for my future spouse & a better woman of God as well. But anyway, so I went the WHOLE day barefoot. Yep, you heard me right! I had to go through the drive through picking up dinner (haha) & my feet hurt so bad last night. But it was worth it! They are so many kids who don't have the luxury I do; putting on shoes the next day & scrubbing their feet clean from the past day. Honestly it gave me a new appreciation for them. I think I'm going to order a pair of TOMS shoes when I have enough money again.

So next, today was my day without makeup. Alright so I figured out something very vain about myself today. I found out that I'm one of those girls who if she doesn't look good, she doesn't feel good. I realized that when I got home after rehearsal. I mean I had a few hectic things going on today, but I was just so cranky. And I realized why. I have let makeup become a daily thing for me to feel good about myself. I'm ashamed. I wish I wasn't like that, but I am. I wish I could change that, & you know what? I'm going to try to find a way to change that. I don't know if that means I'll stop wearing so much makeup or stop wearing makeup period, but I need to stop focusing on looks. I was actually doing my devotion this morning, & as I was talking to God, I knew this was a day I needed to face. Because people need to see me as I really am. How God created me. Especially my future spouse. Now I'm not sure if he is in my life right now, but I need to get use to the fact that guys will see me without makeup. And really, whats wrong with that? My future spouse needs to know what I look like without all the junk on my face, to appreciate my real beauty. And not only him, but I need to be more attracted to his heart & character than anything else.

Thats what this challenge is suppose to be about. Focusing on the heart more than whats outside.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Let the challenge begin!

Ok, so you know my last post when I was talking about that I'm going to work on the qualities I want in a guy? That I was going to take each one week by week & work on it for myself? Yeah that. Well I've decided that this week will be...*trumpet plays for dramatic affect* Humility! I'm going to start my challenge tomorrow! :)

I've decided that to make my challenge more "challenging" Monday through Friday I'm going to take something out of my life so I can really appreciate it this week. Hence, Humility. One day I'm going to go barefoot the whole day (I couldn't go barefoot for the TOMS shoe day this past Thursday anyway), another day I'm going to go without makeup for the entire day, another day I'm going to wake up way earlier than needed to watch the sunrise, go without facebook for a day, & for the last day I'm going to serve my mom around the house with whatever she needs without complaining.

I'm excited to really focusing on being humble this next week & what God is going to do with me. :) Also every week, as each quality is being added, I'm going to wake up & have my devotion before my day starts. I've been doing good thankfully lately with having time with God before I get on facebook. I just hope I can keep it up! I really do already see a change in me, & that excites me beyond belief! I'll keep you updated!

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Tuesday, April 6, 2010

"You can't attract a Boaz until you're a Ruth."

So its a beautiful day outside. If you haven't spent any time outside yet, I encourage you to. :) I already had my devotion, wrote in my journal, & walked outside. I might even wash my car. I'm just taking a break from the sun before I go out back again!

I talked to one of my favorite people ever earlier today! Her name is Katie, shes sixteen & I know her from camp. She worked last summer for her first time & we're both working again this summer. Katie is so awesome, shes somebody who is younger than me but I admire how daily she seeks out our Lord. Anyway, whenever me & her talked, we get on the issue of guys. Both of us are always finding new ways to make waiting for our future husbands worth while. We love our husbands already & we want to give everything to them. But you know, sometimes we get impatient, cause we're human.

So anyway I was talking to her today & she told me that lately shes been making a list of what she wants in a guy. But not only she is praying God is shaping him into that, but shes working on developing those habits herself! I was reading a book by Jackie Kendall & she writes that, "You can't attract a Boaz until you're a Ruth." What better way to live that quote out than to work on the qualities you want in a husband than to start working on yourself? But remember it shouldn't be qualities that are ridiculous like, "He has to buy me expensive stuff", or "He needs to have dark hair", etc. They should be more about your character, your relationship with God, your heart. Like "He grows in the Lord daily". Stuff like that.

For my challenge over the few weeks, I'm going to working on becoming the kind of woman version of what I want my future husband to be like. I'm going to take each quality week by week. I'll keep you updated. :)

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Thursday, April 1, 2010

Will you serve Him beloved?

So this won't be to long because I have to get ready for my math test at one soon. But in my devotion this morning, it had the verse Matthew6:24 & it was talking about how you can't serve two things whole heartily. Like you can't be a vegetarian & a great hunter. It just doesn't work that way. The same is true with God & the world. The Bible says, "No one can serve two masters, either he will hate the one or love the other or he will be devoted to the one & despise the other. You cannot serve both God & money." Now growing up, whenever I read that verse, I was like, "Well I honestly don't care that much for money, so I'm good! Next!" But thats not what this verse is saying. Money is a symbol of a worldly desire. Its the worldly desires that can control us & steal away our attention from God.

I know I need to reevaluate my priorities in order to fully serve God. As a start, I'm not going to get on facebook until I have time with the Lord each day. The book mention if people saw what you did in your free time, would they see God in that? Now I know facebook isn't the most awful thing in the world but I do get on it alot before I spend time with God. & that needs to change.

I encourage you to reevaluate your priorities & see what God wants you to change in your life in order for Him to become the desire of your heart. He gave up His beloved son for us, so don't we need to give up our life for Him?

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